
Praise! This short yet not quite simple word has been repetitively coming to my mind the past couple of days. See I have struggled with many “weak” points in my life like anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. However, in the midst of all those weak moments I have always praised God and lately I have been letting a roar of praise out. Me and my husband are currently looking to buy a house, and let me tell you it has been really stressful, not to mention, our landlord sent us a letter that he sold the house so we have to move out soon. Stressful? I know right! So as we have been looking at homes, it seems that the more houses we go see, the better and prettier they get. See the first homes we saw were terrible and I felt a bit discouraged that we were only qualified for “ugly” houses and I was starting to be discouraged and negative to the point that I couldn’t sleep at night. Not to many days ago, as me and my husband were listening to the song Way Maker by Leeland, I felt God’s presence reminding me to Praise Him as I always do but was forgetting to do so in this trial we are going through. Praise me! Believe and have faith in me! Praise me because I have the home of your desires ready for you and your family! Praise! Those are the words I have been continuously hearing my Lord say to me. So, no matter how stressful it feels I will praise God because I am confident in Him for the house that he already has for me and my family and I can’t wait to share with y’all with an update that we are finally homeowners!

I know it may seem too soon to be sharing, but I have always been transparent and if you’ve read all my previous blogs before, you know that I like to share the “ugly” as well, because I feel that more people connect with me and realize that they are not alone facing a difficult moment. I find no point in only sharing the happy moments when we all know for a fact that not everything is rainbows and sunshine to get to that moment. We all have a struggle and when we conquer that one a new one comes up but that’s what helps us grow and become stronger in our faith and relationship with Christ.

I pray and hope that I am able to motivate you, who is reading this, to not stop praising God. No matter how big or how small your current trial is, continue praising! Sing a Hallelujah! Praise in the middle of the storm because our better days are yet to come! Read your Bible, put worship music on full volume and praise because God is worthy of it no matter what we go through! Praise because God is faithful, and merciful. Praise, believe and have faith!

Thank you for reading. I apologize for not blogging as much as I used to, but I thank all my readers who have continuously like and share all of my blogs. Thank you for the love and support. God Bless you all!


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